Dr. Julie Liberman provides porcelain veneers at her Great Neck, NY, dental practice for patients who are unhappy with discoloration, chips, or slight misalignment in their smiles. These cosmetic restorations can be placed over one or more front teeth, and are designed to blend in seamlessly with your smile. Dr. Liberman uses conservative methods to place veneers and completely customizes treatment for the most natural-looking results.
A veneer is a thin shell of porcelain which is often compared to the thickness of an eggshell or contact lens. Although similar in some respects to dental crowns, veneers are intended primarily as a cosmetic treatment. Because they are not as durable, they are usually recommended for the front teeth, which are not exposed to as much pressure as the molars. Veneers patients can typically enjoy a brighter, more symmetrical-looking smile in as little as two appointments.
Veneers are bonded directly to the visible portion of one or more front teeth.
Dr. Liberman may recommend veneers for certain common cosmetic imperfections, such as:
If we find that veneers are appropriate to address your concerns, you must also have good oral health before Dr. Liberman can begin any kind of cosmetic care. Problems such as periodontal disease, tooth decay, and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) can easily undermine your long-term results. TMD in particular is associated with teeth grinding, which can wear down and crack veneers. As a result, Dr. Liberman focuses on addressing such problems first in order to ensure a healthy, functional foundation and long-lasting results.
In general, Dr. Liberman can place veneers in two appointments within about two weeks.
Before committing to treatment, you will need to come into the office for an initial consultation. During this discussion, Dr. Liberman can walk patients through the basics of veneers: how they work, how long they typically last, treatment cost, candidacy, and possible alternatives. She can also take a series of x-rays and photographs of the teeth, as well as create diagnostic wax-ups to give patients a better idea of what to expect from their results. Furthermore, she can use this tool to work with you and determine the best shape and color for your veneers. If together, you decide that veneers are right for you, the doctor can then schedule your next appointment.
Porcelain veneers are a fast and effective way to address a wide range of minor cosmetic concerns.
The next visit primarily consists of preparing the teeth. After providing a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort, Dr. Liberman will gently remove a thin layer of enamel from the treated tooth or teeth. This will make room for the veneers so they do not appear bulky or unnatural. Next, she will create a series of impressions to send to our off-site lab, where your restorations will be fabricated.
Because the fabrication process takes up to 10 working days, the doctor usually provides patients with temporary veneers. These restorations help to protect the underlying layers of the teeth and minimize sensitivity until the permanent veneers are finished.
During your second appointment, Dr. Liberman will first check the veneers against your natural smile to ensure that the shape and color match as closely as possible. If necessary, she can trim and reshape the porcelain to refine the appearance of the restorations and ensure your bite remains unaffected. In order to begin the process of placing the veneers, she will apply a specialized gel which roughens the enamel and creates more surface area. She may also apply a coat of bonding agent before placing each veneer. Once the restorations are secured, patients can leave the office and immediately return to their daily routine.
Despite their truly stunning effects, veneers are not right for everyone. Dr. Liberman offers a full range of dental services, and can provide alternatives to patients who are not good candidates for several reasons.
For the right patients, porcelain veneers are a fast and effective way to address a wide range of minor cosmetic concerns. To learn more about your candidacy, contact us online or at (516) 482-9140 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Liberman.
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